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Anzahl aktualisierter Daten gegenüber Buchversion 2015 zusätzlich zu der Liste "Ergänzungen und Korrekturen zur BGL 2015": 114

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Ergänzungen und Korrekturen zur BGL 2015 als PDF
Hier können Sie die Ergänzungen und Korrekturen zur BGL 2015 (Buch) kostenfrei herunterladen.
Die Baugeräteliste spielt insbesondere in Bauarbeitsgemeinschaften eine große Rolle. Überlassen die Gesellschafter einer Arbeitsgemeinschaft dieser für die Ausführung des Bauauftrags Baugeräte (Gerätevorhaltung), so ist diese vertraglich zu regeln. Die Anwendung der BAUGERÄTELISTE als Verrechnungsbasis in Argen ist allgemein anerkannt und wird im aktuellen Vertragsmuster des Arbeitsgemeinschaftsvertrages ( ARGE-Vertrages) des Hauptverbandes der Deutschen Bauindustrie e.V. sogar empfohlen
Verschleißteile-Katalog zur BGL 2015
Aufwendungen zum Erhalt der Betriebsbereitschaft von Baugeräten sind ein wesentlicher Bestandteil der Gesamtgerätekosten. Die Kostenübernahme für Wartung- und Gerätepflege, Reparaturen, Schadensbehebung und Ersatz von Verschleißteilen ist deshalb - insbesondere in Arbeitsgemeinschaften (ARGEN) - häufiger Diskussionspunkt, der zur Vermeidung von Streitigkeiten zwischen den am Bau Beteiligten unbedingt im Vorfeld vertraglich geregelt werden sollte. Auf Grundlage der Daten in der BGL 2015 wurde deshalb zur besseren Handhabung ein separat erhältlicher Verschleißteilekatalog zur BGL 2015 erarbeitet.


New BGL 2020
On the 10. December 2020 the new BGL 2020 will be launched. Registered users will have immediate access to the new page.
BGL 2020 book (German Shop) | BGL 2020 Online License (German Shop)

The CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT REGISTER is the best-known and the most successful standard work worldwidefor in-house accounting and intra-company calculation of construction equipment costs for all current equipment types and and sizes.

The CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT REGISTER does not mention brand names or type designations. The individual items of the register contain technical and economic average values supplemented by technical explanations regarding the construction and the equipment as well as the operational use of the item. The ten-digit classification system employed permits a clear and distinct description of virtually all construction machines, equipment options and attachments.

The CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT REGISTER is used as a recognized standard work in the construction sector and especially:
  • as a basis for in-house accounting and intra-company calculation of construction equipment provision costs, e.g. between headquarters, branch office and construction site or between joint ventures and their individual members;
  • as a basis for the organization and planning of equipment management in building companies;
  • as an aid for the evaluation of equipment and machinery costs, especially in profitability comparisons;
  • as an aid for the planning of operations and progress scheduling with regard to the selection and assessment of machinery and equipment conditions of use;
  • as an aid for investment planning, preparation of balance sheets and tax assessment;
  • as an aid for equipment value assessment in insurance cases, expert's reports and in court decisions.
Basic information and hints for the use of BGL 2015 can be found here. The core data of the new Construction Equipment Register BGL 2015 are at the same time also the master data of the EUROLISTE and thus the basis for a Europe-wide database permitting to generate in future also further country-specific versions and offers by taking national specifics into account. With the 2015 editions, the data of the CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT REGISTER BGL and those of the Austrian construction equipment register ÖBGL are practically identical. The only differences in contents existing are due to country-specific variations (e.g. laws and standards). The construction equipment register BGL and the Austrian construction equipment register ÖBGL will be available in book form (price basis 2014), as an online service and as data in the CSV format (orders can be placed at Profil or E-Mail).

Update 16.03.2017

Dear users of the BGL,
from 16.03.2017 onwards, the calculation of depreciation and interest as well as of the repair costs of the digital products in the BGL will be subject to adaptation. Unfortunately, the implementation of the online version has produced an imprecision which we have now corrected in accordance with the formulas presented in the basic information.
Rounding up and rounding down operations may, in single cases, still lead to minor deviations in the depreciation and interest values and in the repair costs. Please note that these values will then be different from those in the book version!
Therefore, we would like to apologize for any inconvenience caused to users of the BGL. We are nevertheless confident that you too will benefit from this correction.

For recent online version , click here. Please note that this version is no longer being updated.
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